our nutritional meals

No processed food

All of our food served to the children are prepared at school. We do not serve store-bought fishballs, chicken nuggets, sausages or hot dogs.

fresh made
Fresh Baked Goods

All of muffins, crepes and pancakes are made fresh by our kitchen staff.

Olive Oil & Butter Preference

We do not use margarine or any trans-fat product and only use butter and selected vegetable oil including olive oil for our baking and cooking.

no refined white sugar

Whenever possible we will substitute refined white sugar with honey or maple syrup or brown sugar.

no beef
No Pork , No Beef, No Peanuts

No Pork, No beef and No peanuts are used in preparing all of the food served. All of our food is halal.

pasta sauce
Homemade Pizza/Pasta Sauce

We made our own pizza and pasta sauce using roasted red capsicum and tomatoes, freshly made vegetable broth, and seasoned with oregano herbs and own grown sweet basil

Homemade Teriyaki Sauce

Children's favourite meal is our Teriyaki chicken, which we marinate overnight using our home made Teriyaki sauce and roast to perfection for juicy and tender slices

Homemade Furikake Seasoning

The children enjoys our healthy Japanese rice using our home made furikake seasoning made from ground sesame seeds and roasted seaweed

the weekly menu

We make it our mission to ensure that we serve healthy and delicious meals to our school children and rotate our weekly menus; menu A andmenu B (as in the image above)

We are a nature-inspired preschool and an advocate for “Natural Learning” with educating “the whole child” at the core of our teaching principles. 

How can we Help?

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